Friday, October 17, 2014

The Galactic Series continues.

Galactic Series
The GALACTIC SERIES continues! We have now completed four classes and the energies continue to build! Remember, you can still sign up for all six webinar classes of the full Galactic Series.  You can make up the 4 classes that you have missed because there are mp3 files available for the previous classes. You can begin, listen and work with those classes and then join us live on the next webinar class on October 21st. There are actually seven classes, the 7th class is one that the Pleiadians wanted to put in for free.  You can register by going to my website click on store.

The full Galactic Series – all seven classes - at a cost of $99.99 or you can just register for one webinar class for $19.99 per class.  The good news is then you can see if it is something that feels right for you. I just know that people are having profound, transforming awakening experiences in the Galactic Series. I invite you to come and join us. We are having a grand adventure!

October 21ST, and November 18TH
LIVE from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. PST
For more information or to register visit the store
or contact Becky.

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